HCPSS CCP Redistricting Plan

This is a community plan presented tonight by community volunteers, independent of HCPSS Area Attendance Committee.  This plan was not affiliated with the school system at all although they worked with the school to get data and other information.

I attended their meeting tonight and around 160 people were there fully occupying the St John Baptist Church at Tamar Drive. They are looking for your feedback. Also they want this can help to shape the final redistricting. Instead of comprehensive redistricting, they prefer limiting the scope of the redistricting.

Their proposal and analysis are located at https://unitedforhocoschools.org/ccp

The feedback link is https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfHTdq0yirxU4cYjQTtn-CXojiS6xQHSxh8B9r1ykrcNycFGg/viewform

The superintendent Dr. Martirano will unveil his final redistricting plan tomorrow night ( Oct 3, 2017) at Wilde Lake High School. Please attend it if you can.