2018 HCPSS Superintendent Redistricting Proposal

2018 HCPSS Final School redistricting result came out on 11/16/2017. It is here https://chaowu.org/2017/11/16/final-2018-hcpss-school-redistricting/

This is the latest, most updated 2018 HCPSS redistricting plan. This is the framework for future discussion. The superintendent Dr. Martirano dramatically scaled back the school redistricting from both the feasibility study version and AAC version. Here are three graphs (high school, middle school and elementary school) from his proposal. Note the public can now send their opinions to BOE at boe@hcpss.org.

Here is the link to find your polygon number: http://hcpss-gis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=78bbfc96270e4e16bcec96478fe1f24e

Superintendent proposal for high schoolSuperintendent proposal for middle schoolSuperintendent proposal for elementary school

The documents are here for your reference: http://www.hcpss.org/school-planning/

10 03 2017 Attendance Area Adjustment BR
