Site icon Dr. Chao Wu

Film screening invitation: The Mississippi Delta Chinese

Screening of Honor and Duty: The Mississippi Delta Chinese

Hosted by Chinese American Parent Association of Howard County and Howard County Chinese School

Time: 12:00- 2:00PM Sunday, May 7th, 2017.

Location: Howard Community College, CL Building N220.

The film tells the story of the early Chinese immigrants to the Mississippi Delta during the 19th century; then it explores how the community steadily grew in the early part of the 20th century, as Chinese families across the Delta opened grocery stores that served both the black and white populations. Subsequently, it reveals how 182 Chinese men from the Delta participated in all aspects of the US war effort in WWII, shows the transformational nature of their participation in the war for the development of the community in the decades immediately after the war, and concludes by documenting the contributions of the Chinese Delta families to the state of Mississippi and beyond as their children became doctors, dentists, pharmacists, and many other types of professionals in the contemporary era.

A preview of the film can be found at
Part One 1870 to 1940 – How Chinese first came to Mississippi

Part Two 1941-1945 – Chinese WWII veterans and their families

Part Three 1946 to Present – Chinese as part of the social and economic fabric, custom and culture of Mississippi.
This is an excellent documentary for adults and older kids (middle schoolers and above). Come to learn our immigration history, understand issues of today, and our future in this culture and land, and support this filmmaker who spent her own funds and used her resources to produce this excellent documentary.


大家都知道密西西比三角洲曾经是美国种族冲突最严重的地方。可是你是否知道,从上世纪初开始,这里就一直生活着一群华人? 他们是什么样的一群人,怎么样在这里谋生,如何在这片异国的土地上扎根?你是否知道他们在第二次世界大战中为美国效力?

本 片描述了密西西比华人移民跨越150年的历史。影片历经制片人Samantha Cheng 多年的资料收集,呈现出当年在肤色隔离和排华法案环境下那批华人的生活状态,以及他们通过经营杂货店,参加二战,自主办学,跟白人和黑人交朋友,最终赢得 当地社会的尊重的历史过程。影片结尾展示这批华人的后代作为professionals对现代美国社会的贡献。

这是一部非常值得我们观看和 思考的纪录片。制片人Samantha Cheng会来主持放映和随后的Q&A. 诚邀您携家人于5月7日星期天中午12点来HCC CL Building N220教室观看。让我们一起了解华裔美国人在美国的成长和奋斗史。让我们一起了解华人对美国社会的贡献。同时也请大家来支持Samantha的努力和付 出。

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