V5: 2022 HCPSS redistricting work session 5 recap

  • V5: 2022 HCPSS redistricting work session 5 recap
  • At today’s board work session, the board discussed a new timeline because we voted to include an analysis on version 3 of the North Elkridge Community Plan, drafted by Drew Roth and Becki Vivrette.
  • The board voted to ask OSP to bring forward information related to exempt rising 10th and rising 8th graders.
  • Move to request information of impact exempting students who have an IEP or 504 plan or have at least 1 parent who is active duty military personnel with regard to transportation and enrollment data for the polygons under consideration.
  • The board voted to ask OSP to explore exemption on the trailing siblings who share at least one year in high school impacted in the preliminary plan.

The Elkridge community plan v3 is here for reference:

New proposed timeline for redistricting discussion:

  1. 10/27, request the superintendent and OSP to evaluate Northern Elkridge Community Plan (NECP) v3
  2. 11/2, work session v6 to analyze NECP v3 and the board needs to decide whether NECP v3 go forward or not.
    1. if NOT,
      1. 11/14 work session and straw vote.
      2. 11/17 adaption
    2. If YES.
      1. 11/17, board meeting without redistricting on the agenda.
      2. 11/28, public hearing (see whether another public hearing is needed)
      3. 11/29, work session and straw vote
      4. 12/1, plan adaptation