CAPA Civic Engagement Seminar Series (1)

CAPA Civic Engagement Seminar Series (1)

Introduction of Howard County Citizens Association and The People’s Voice

Guest Speakers: Stu Kohn and Lisa Markovitz

Howard Community College, DH100 (Duncan Hall)

Sunday, October 29 2017, 12 – 2 pm

Our speakers for the inaugural CAPA Civic Engagement Seminar are Howard County Citizens Association (HCCA) President Stu Kohn, and the President of The People’s Voice (TPA), HCCA Vice President Lisa Markovitz.  Both HCCA ( and TPA ( are well recognized and well respected community organizations that have made positive impact on lives of Howard county residents, by bringing residents together to express views, take joint actions, and encourage participations in County affairs.

Stu and Lisa will introduce the HCCA and TPV respectively. They will show and discuss an HCCA Film “Columbia at 50 – A Bridge to the Future” (Note:  this is about All of Howard County).  They will also specifically talk about the ongoing school redistricting (now in the Board of Education) process as well as Adequate Public Facility Ordinance (APFO) in the County Council, followed by open questions and concerns from the audiences.

This is a great opportunity for you to learn local issues which closely affect your lives and your children’s education. It also will help you to know how and when to participate in our community affairs.

In Chinese

大家有没有最近为学区重划而烦恼和忧虑?大家有没有考虑我们郡,怎么发展到今天以及将来怎么发展?CAPA请来了我们郡两位非常资深人士跟大家一起探讨:Howard County Citizens Association(HCCA)的主席,Stu Kohn,和HCCA的副主席兼人民之声 (The People’s Voice)的主席Lisa Markovitz。我们希望通过他们的讲座,帮助大家了解怎么参与我们郡公共事务的讨论,怎么能够为我们郡的发展出谋划策,或者如果你觉得哪个发展不对的时候,该怎么抗争。

Stu 跟 Lisa 首先会播放一部三十分钟的纪录片“Columbia at 50 – A Bridge to the Future”。这个纪录片讨论了我们郡,特别是哥伦比亚市近五十年的发展历史和今天面临的难题。接着他们会讨论正在进行中的BOE的学区重划,County Council的APFO立法等等大家关心的议题。

欢迎参加。周日 10/29/2017, 12:00-14:00 Howard Community College, DH100 (Duncan Hall)