Timbers at Troy Revenue and Expenses in the last 10 years

Last week I made a motion to put HS 14 in Elkridge back into HCPSS long term capital budget and the board approved that motion. I have been receiving some feedbacks from the community. One feedback is about the Timbers at Troy golf course. That golf course was discussed as one possible HS 14 site.

Here is the Timbers at Troy revenue and expenses in the last ten years. The golf court unfortunately is running red for the last several years. It lost 1.4 million in 2017, 0.439 million in 2018 and 1.5 million in 2019.

I am wondering how many golf courses the county owns and how well they are running in the last 10 years. I know Columbia Association’s golf courses have been facing some financial difficulties in the past several years too. How can we improve this situation? Or the sport of golf is not as attractive as before?

One thought on “Timbers at Troy Revenue and Expenses in the last 10 years

  1. Herman DeLang says:

    Dr Wu – impossible to login to your site to post comments, fyi. Also – your Timbers exhibits are essentially illegible, due the small size of text, with not method to pull the window out to blow it up for review. Perhaps you can redo?

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