CA In Action (The Villager 2016-6)

This article was published on The Villager, in June 2016

The Columbia Association has a new Board of Directors for the 2017 fiscal year (May 1, 2016 – April 30, 2017). Andy Stack from Owen Brown is the new chair. Dick Boulton from Dorsey’s Search is the new vice chair. We also have a new Board member from Town Center, Lin Eagan.

This year, the Board Operation Committee (BOC) is running with a different structure. Besides the chair and vice chair, all other board members will take turns sitting on this committee. I will serve on the BOC in July. The purpose of the Board Operation Committee is to ensure the effective functioning of the CA Board and to oversee the Board’s relationship with the CA President/CEO. I am also sitting on the Risk Management Committee, which oversees CA’s general liability self-insurance program.

The Board has many new tasks in front of it:

  1. Continue improving customer service.
  2. Approve FY-2018 budget which will invest in our continuous growth and maintain fiscal health.
  3. Implement new membership/pricing structure
  4. Investigate the pond survey results, which will help us understand the cost of CA’s pond maintenance.
  5. Roll out a five-year Capital Budget plan.
  6. Enhance CA’s influence in planning and development of Columbia:
    1. Affordable housing in Downtown Columbia
    2. Redevelopment of Long Reach Village Center
    3. Redevelopment of Hickory Ridge Village Center
    4. Commercial covenants
    5. New Town Zoning
    6. New Welcome Center
  1. Develop an implementation plan to attract and retain young adults
  2. Prepare for the Columbia’s 50th Birthday Celebration

On a personal note, I have been working to establish Columbia’s China Sister City program. I will continue to devote some time to this effort.

Chao Wu, Ph.D.

River Hill Representative to Columbia Council

Columbia Association Board of Directors

Email:  Tel: 240-481-9637  Website:

Disclaimer: This letter only represents Dr. Chao Wu’s personal opinion. It does not represent River Hill Board of Directors nor Columbia Association’s Board.